Simply Beautiful.
The Ingredients
- 2 Tortilla Wraps
- 2 Peppers
- 1 Pack of Halloumi
- 100-150g Spinach
- 4 tbsp Harissa
- 2 tbsp Yoghurt
- 2 tbsp Fresh Mint
The Method
Step 1
Slice the peppers into equal strips and roast with a little olive oil for 20-25 mins on 200°C/180°C fan.
Step 2
Slice the halloumi and fry over a medium heat for 2-3 mins, until golden on each side.
Step 3
Then, lightly wilt your spinach, about 2 minutes.
Step 4
Combine your harissa and yoghurt.
Step 5
Cut your wrap from the centre point, directly down to the edge.
Step 6
Visualise four equal sections within your wrap. In the first section add your spinach, your roasted peppers into the next, then the halloumi and in the final section add your mint and harissa sauce.
Step 7
Fold your wrap into a quarter, starting from the spinach section all the way around to the harissa section.
Step 8
Grill the wrap in a sandwich press or frying pan on medium heat for 2-4 minutes.
This delicious dish was created by Hanifah, for more recipes off her please visit @pescatarianldn on Instagram.